Shopping Tip?
(too old to reply)
Nomen Nescio
2009-02-10 12:50:04 UTC
Does Whole Foods have
Kosher Hams for Easter?

A.Lurker A.nonymouse
D. Stussy
2009-02-10 21:35:28 UTC
Post by Nomen Nescio
Does Whole Foods have
Kosher Hams for Easter?
Was that meant to be a joke or a real question?
2009-02-11 18:43:21 UTC
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Nomen Nescio
Does Whole Foods have
Kosher Hams for Easter?
Was that meant to be a joke or a real question?
Last year, some supermarket put up the wrong
sign on the wrong food. It was pretty funny.

Nick Cramer
2009-02-12 04:47:04 UTC
Post by f***@verizon.net
Post by D. Stussy
Post by Nomen Nescio
Does Whole Foods have
Kosher Hams for Easter?
Was that meant to be a joke or a real question?
Last year, some supermarket put up the wrong
sign on the wrong food. It was pretty funny.
The Torah states that just before imposing the Tenth Plague upon the
Egyptians (killing of the first born), God told Moses that while there
would be loud wailing throughout Egypt, where the Hebrews lived, not even a
dog would bark. The Midrash states that just before the Angel of Death
descended, God instructed the dogs living amongst the Hebrews to be silent.
The dogs complied with loving obedience. God was so pleased that He told
them that because they had obeyed with such love, he would reward them. He
would instruct the Jewish people that hereafter they should give their
non-kosher food to the dogs. This explains giving non-kosher food to the
dogs in general. However, the Talmudic directive deals only with Pork.
While pork is certainly not Kosher for a Jew to eat, it is Kosher for our
beloved pooches. Thus, by feeding pork to our dogs, we are actually helping
them to keep kosher! A Mitzvah in and of itself!

"Sorry, boy, no more cheeseburgers. But here, enjoy a ham sandwich! Oh, by
the way, Duke, when it's Passover, your ham sandwich'll be on Matzo!" ;-D
Nick, KI6VAV. Support severely wounded and disabled Veterans and their
families: https://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/ Thank a Veteran!
Support Our Troops: http://anymarine.com/ You are not forgotten.
Thanks ! ! ~Semper Fi~ USMC 1365061
Frank Rizzo
2009-03-24 01:04:25 UTC
Post by Nomen Nescio
Does Whole Foods have
Kosher Hams for Easter?
A.Lurker A.nonymouse
2009-11-17 06:49:23 UTC
Post by Nomen Nescio
Does Whole Foods have
Kosher Hams for Easter?
A.Lurker A.nonymouse
I was at a corporate picnic a few years ago and they had "veggie"
hotdogs which looked and tasted *great*. A couple of hours later it
was revealed/announced that they were actually meat. While I didn't
see any vegetarians hurl, several looked very unhappy. I probably
imagined many more looking rather guilty that they had enjoyed meat.



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