Anyone still alive?
(too old to reply)
Arne Adolfsen
2010-06-28 15:17:39 UTC
This is weird, but is anybody out there?

D. Stussy
2010-06-28 20:11:47 UTC
Post by Arne Adolfsen
This is weird, but is anybody out there?
No. We're all gone. All the chihuahua meat tacos from Taco Bell killed
Nick Cramer
2010-06-28 22:58:03 UTC
Post by Arne Adolfsen
This is weird, but is anybody out there?
Hi Arne,

I still check here a couple of times a day. Because I don't go out to eat
anymore, I have nothing original to contribute. Glad to hear from you.
Nick, KI6VAV. Support severely wounded and disabled Veterans and their
families: https://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/ Thank a Veteran!
Support Our Troops: http://anymarine.com/ You are not forgotten.
Thanks ! ! ~Semper Fi~ USMC 1365061
Julian Macassey
2010-06-29 03:57:53 UTC
Post by Arne Adolfsen
This is weird, but is anybody out there?
No. Your ill temper chased them all away.

Well done.
"If you have done nothing wrong, comrade, you have nothing to
fear." - Lavrenti Beria, Stalin's head of the NKVD, the secret police.
Golden California Girls
2010-06-29 04:59:06 UTC
Post by Arne Adolfsen
This is weird, but is anybody out there?
Off topic. Not a posting about food inside the City Limits of Los Angeles.
If you persist in posting off topic you will be reported to your NSP.

Ob McD's on Whittier, employee seen placing used drink cup tops in the rack
for other customers to use.
2010-08-22 00:54:53 UTC
On Mon, 28 Jun 2010 08:17:39 -0700, "Arne Adolfsen"
Post by Arne Adolfsen
This is weird, but is anybody out there?
i remember usenet
Nick Cramer
2010-08-22 01:27:43 UTC
Post by JRStern
Post by Arne Adolfsen
This is weird, but is anybody out there?
i remember usenet
I'm a regular lurker. Don't eat out, so don't post often.
Nick, KI6VAV. Support severely wounded and disabled Veterans and their
families: https://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/
http://www.helpforheroes.org.uk/ Thank a Veteran! Support Our Troops!
http://anymarine.com/ You are not forgotten. Thanks ! ! ~Semper Fi~