Salinas: Where even the Lettuce has Tattooes.
(too old to reply)
George Orwell
2009-11-24 02:37:17 UTC
William S. Lind
23 November 2009

One of the ongoing themes of this column has been gangs and the role they play in a Fourth Generation world. Here in the United States they already serve as an alternative primary loyalty (alternative to the state) for many urban young men. Gangs will likely be a major player in 4GW because gang members are expected to fight. Those who won’t do not remain gang members.

The November 15 Washington Post had a story about gangs in Salinas, California, that deserves close attention from 4GW theorists. Salinas is reportedly overrun with Hispanic gangs. The Post wrote that its homicide rate is three times that of Los Angeles. It quoted a Salinas police officer, Sgt. Mark Lazzarini, on one of the classic results of state breakdown, chaos:

“Only half of our gangs are structured; the Norteños,” he said. “The southerners are completely unstructured. Half of our violence is kids who get into a car and go out and hunt. These kids don’t know their victims. How do you stop that? It’s very chaotic.”

Salinas’s new slogan might be, “Salinas: where even the lettuce has tattoos.”

But what is interesting in the Post’s article is not the gangs themselves. It is a new response to the gangs. Salinas has brought in the U.S. military to apply counter-insurgency doctrine to a situation on American soil. The Post reports that:

Since February combat veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan have been advising Salinas police on counterinsurgency doctrine, bringing lessons from the battlefield to the meanest streets in an American city…

“It’s a little laboratory,” said retired Col. Hy Rothstein, the former Army career officer in Special Forces who heads the team of 15 faculty members and students (from the Naval Postgraduate School), mostly naval officers…

Rothstein…notes the “significant overlap with how you deal with insurgencies and how you deal with cities that are under siege from gangs.”…

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Steve Fenwick
2009-11-25 01:54:44 UTC
Post by George Orwell
William S. Lind
23 November 2009
One of the ongoing themes of this column has been gangs and the role they
play in a Fourth Generation world. Here in the United States they already
serve as an alternative primary loyalty (alternative to the state) for many
urban young men. Gangs will likely be a major player in 4GW because gang
members are expected to fight. Those who won’t do not remain gang members.
Interesting that the expected "primary loyalty" is to the state. That's
a either a highly-developed altruism (sacrificing self for others) or a
form of blind loyalty not unlike that in a gang. Examining how far one
should be loyal to any individual or organization needs much
introspection and discussion.

A better phrasing might be "loyalty to a gang has overridden observance
of the law for many urban young men".
Post by George Orwell
“It’s a little laboratory,” said retired Col. Hy Rothstein, the former Army
career officer in Special Forces who heads the team of 15 faculty members and
students (from the Naval Postgraduate School), mostly naval officers…
Rothstein…notes the “significant overlap with how you deal with insurgencies
and how you deal with cities that are under siege from gangs.”…
Hmm, which is the laboratory, urban Iraq or Salinas, and what is the
projected target of the experiment, Tehran or Los Angeles?

steve <at> w0x0f <dot> com
"Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of
arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to
skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, chip shot in the other, body thoroughly
used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"