whatever happened to arne adolfsen
(too old to reply)
Frank Rizzo
2008-09-25 23:47:58 UTC
He was very entertaining even though he is a loon.
Gary Charpentier
2008-09-26 02:22:29 UTC
Post by Frank Rizzo
He was very entertaining even though he is a loon.
Maybe his AIDS finally got to him?
Frank Rizzo
2008-09-26 04:58:13 UTC
Post by Gary Charpentier
Post by Frank Rizzo
He was very entertaining even though he is a loon.
Maybe his AIDS finally got to him?
Did he really have AIDS? I know he was a butt blaster...
Gary Charpentier
2008-09-27 02:20:43 UTC
Post by Frank Rizzo
Post by Gary Charpentier
Post by Frank Rizzo
He was very entertaining even though he is a loon.
Maybe his AIDS finally got to him?
Did he really have AIDS? I know he was a butt blaster...
I believe he denied being HIV positive, but didn't say when the test was done.
Likely he was posting from one of the ISP's that dropped usenet.

In any case with the peace and quiet perhaps we can get some food topics started
Steve Green
2008-10-07 17:31:01 UTC
On Fri, 26 Sep 2008 19:20:43 -0700, Gary Charpentier
Post by Gary Charpentier
In any case with the peace and quiet perhaps we can get some food topics started
He's probably just laying in wait for Meg or Marilyn to post so he
can start another series of deranged, misogynistic rants.
Steve Green
2008-10-08 00:31:10 UTC
Post by Frank Rizzo
He was very entertaining even though he is a loon.
You mean this cross-eyed nerd?

<snicker> That's the picture in the back of my mind every time I
would see his psychotic rants. Picturing that made his posts much
more enjoyable.

2008-10-08 15:06:14 UTC
He was not entertaining to many people and we just killfiled him, but the
troll baiters who often had something sensible to write, insisted on quoting
his drivel. I wish otherwise sensible people would get with the program.

I believe that his therapist either recommended giving up his Usenet
interactions or had him hospitalized, as has happened with similar
personalities on a couple of other groups that were usually populated by the
sane and serious.

Gary Charpentier
2008-10-08 16:23:00 UTC
Post by jeremy
He was not entertaining to many people and we just killfiled him, but
the troll baiters who often had something sensible to write, insisted on
quoting his drivel. I wish otherwise sensible people would get with the
I believe that his therapist either recommended giving up his Usenet
interactions or had him hospitalized, as has happened with similar
personalities on a couple of other groups that were usually populated by
the sane and serious.
You mean like this one
who was sick enough to earn a Formosa's law?
2008-10-09 01:43:57 UTC
Post by jeremy
He was not entertaining to many people and we just killfiled him, but the
troll baiters who often had something sensible to write, insisted on quoting
his drivel. I wish otherwise sensible people would get with the program.
Party pooper.

